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Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

If you’re heading for Raja Ampat chances are you are an experienced diver. This means you will already know what to pack for a dive trip. However, a trip to Raja Ampat is a little different to most dive trips because of the remote location. You definitely don’t want to over pack but also under packing means going without. Let’s have a look at some of the essentials for Raja Ampat.

Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

1. Rash Guard

The sun is incredibly strong in Raja Ampat so if you’re planning to do any snorkeling you will need a rash guard. You may even want leggings to keep your legs from burning as well. We guarantee that when you’re snorkeling the amazing marine life and cool water will distract you but you’ll feel the burn as soon as you’re out of the water.

2. Sunscreen

Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

We can’t stress enough how careful you have to be in the sun here. Sunscreen is an absolute essential when you’re in Raja Ampat. We recommend bringing a reef safe sunscreen and have a whole article on why: How Reef Safe Sunscreens can Save Marine Life. Papua Paradise Eco Resort sells reef safe sunscreen, so if you forget yours or run out, you can always buy more during your stay.

3. Books

While you’re at Papua Paradise Eco Resort you’ll most likely be diving or snorkeling during the day but when it comes to evening there isn’t much to do. You might be content to just watch the beauty of nature but we suggest bringing plenty of reading material for when the sun goes down. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up on reading with zero distractions.

4. A light sweater

Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

After recommending rash guards and sunscreen because of the harsh sun it seems odd to say you’ll need a sweater. Mornings can be chilly and if you are heading out on a dawn tour to see the birds of paradise or go waterfall trekking, you may need a little warmth. A light raincoat or poncho is also a good idea and is light enough to carry wherever you go.

5. Binoculars

Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

Papua Paradise is absolute heaven for nature enthusiasts, especially birders. From the resort you can use your binoculars to spot some of the incredible species of birds that live on the island. It’s also great to have your own binoculars when you go on tours so you don’t miss anything when you’re sharing with others.

6. Diving gear

Packing the Essentials for Raja Ampat

Most divers visiting Papua Paradise have their own gear and prefer it over rented gear. Check you have your mask, fins, regulator, BCD, wetsuit, and dive computer and they are all working well before you leave home. Gangga Divers at Papua Paradise Eco Resort can rent you gear but we suggest you let them know in advance what you need.

8. Dive certification, logbook & insurance

Speaking of diving, it’s essential to bring your dive certification, logbook and insurance along with you. The dive guides at Gangga Divers will be looking to assess your experience and skill level as Raja Ampat has some tricky dive sites. Also, because Papua Paradise is in a remote location you must have dive insurance before you dive with Gangga Divers.

Of course you may have your own list of essentials to add to this but we know the resort well and recommend you don’t forget any of the above. If you have any questions about what you should be bringing or what is available at the resort please ask us in the comments box below or email mailto: info@papuaparadise.com. We’re happy to help!

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