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Manta Sandy Raja Ampat Map

Diving in Manta Sandy Raja Ampat

Manta Sandy Raja Ampat is one of the most amazing dive sites can be found when diving in Raja Ampat. It is located to the south of a large reef; the reef that is between Airborek Island and Mansuar Island towards the Dampier Straits west end. It is known as Manta Site or Manta Mantra. This site is very rich in plankton and also serves as a cleaning station. Because plankton is what most underwater creatures eat, many of them frequent this site.

In the channel between the main reef and the smaller one in the south lies the cleaning station filled with small bommies. Here you will encounter strong currents, many butterfly fish, and cleaner wrasse, making it an ideal place for mantas to come rid themselves of parasites. So, if you are looking to see mantas, this dive site is your best bet. In fact, “trains” of them have been reported to be seen here, so you’ll be in for quite a treat. Many trains happen when a female who is ready to make is pursued by multiple males in single file.

Manta Sandy Raja Ampat Map diving site

Because of the frequency of mantas seen here, over time, the Manta Sandy dive site has become very popular. As such, the number of divers allowed in the water at the same time has to be controlled so as not to drive away the mantas. To help with this, a demarcation code has been set in place and is strictly enforced by all the operators visiting the site. This demarcation code involves authorities laying out rocks in a line at about 16m of water. This serves as a marker to guide divers in knowing where they can go to get close enough to the bommies to take pictures and observe the mantas, but at the same time remain far enough to give the mantas peace as they are cleaned. This demarcation line also serves as a place where divers can position themselves in order to be able to comfortably hold on against the currents while waiting for the mantas.

Manta Ray In Manta Sandy Raja Ampat

The Manta Sandy dive site in Raja Ampat is a shallow site, which means that you will not have issues with bottom time. This is perfect, as once the mantas have been cleaned, it is common for them to come and check out the divers offering them an opportunity to see them in a more up close and personal manner.

While diving in Raja Ampat, you will quickly discover that mantas are curious and intelligent creatures with no real natural enemies, aside from large sharks that attack them from behind. This means that they are not fearful, and as mentioned above, if you wait patiently at the appropriate place, they will come to you for a closer look for themselves.

Manta Ray Raja Ampat Diving

If you’re interested in seeing these majestic underwater creatures, come stay at our resort. We guarantee that Papua Paradise Eco Resort is one of the best resorts in Raja Ampat. Not only do we have exquisite rooms, but we also have the best professional divers who can guide you in experiencing this beautiful gladiator firsthand. So look no further because this resort in Raja Ampat is definitely for you. Come find us here and we’ll treat you just like family.


  1. Mark
    November 8, 2017

    Can we still see manta’s by the end of May?

    • Papua Paradise
      November 24, 2017

      Dear Mark, it will be very unlikely to see Manta rays in the end of May.
      We would recommend you to visit us before if you are interested in Manta rays.

  2. Holzknecht Julia
    December 27, 2019

    If there is any chance to see mantas middle of May? or in September? Thank you in advance for your reply. Kind Regards Julia

  3. peter
    August 24, 2022

    HI. what’s the weather like mid November? have read its always rains, but i really want to see the mantas. thanks pete

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