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Preserving Paradise: How Eco-Tourism is Saving Raja Ampat

Is It Okay to Travel Alone to Raja Ampat?

For many divers Raja Ampat is a dream vacation. Unfortunately, a lot of solo travelers dismiss it as too remote or unsafe for traveling alone. Are you thinking about traveling to Raja Ampat for the dive trip of a lifetime, but have no one to travel with? Don’t cross it off your destination list yet. We’re going to tell you why Raja Ampat is actually an amazing destination for lone travelers.

Getting to Raja Ampat

Is It Okay to Travel Alone to Raja Ampat?

It may seem like a very long way to West Papua and Raja Ampat, but in fact it’s pretty easy with domestic Indonesian airline services. Sorong airport is the hub for travelers heading to Raja Ampat. Jakarta, Surabaya, Manado, and Makassar all have direct flights to Sorong, and there are flights with transit from Bali, Lombok and other islands.

Once you arrive in Sorong Papua Paradise Eco Resort can send a car to pick you up and take you to the private boat to the resort. This means no haggling with drivers, and no worries about ending up somewhere a bit dodgy. Perfect if you’re traveling alone.

In the Resort

Is It Okay to Travel Alone to Raja Ampat?

Once you get to Papua Paradise Eco Resort you only need to worry about settling into your overwater bungalow. It’s a small resort with well-spaced rooms so you have plenty of privacy and quiet. This is great for people who are happy with their own company as solo travelers usually are.

There is very limited internet connection on the island and things get very quiet after dark, so we advise that you have plenty of good reading material.

Diving and Snorkeling

Is It Okay to Travel Alone to Raja Ampat?

If you’ve traveled all the way to Raja Ampat, you’ve probably come for the world-class diving. As a solo dive traveler you might worry about not having a dive partner. However, there is no reason to even think about this, as all your dives with Gangga Divers will be guided. In fact, this means you get the best dive buddy possible because they know the dive sites so well.

If there is another diver traveling solo, you may also get paired with them. In this case your Gangga Divers guide will make sure your skill levels are compatible. The experience level needed to dive many sites in Raja Ampat is quite high, so it is unlikely to be a problem.

Is It Okay to Travel Alone to Raja Ampat?

Diving is one of those sports that really brings people together. If you are traveling alone in Raja Ampat you will never be short of people to talk to as you will be in a community of divers. Many other guests in the resort will likely be on their dream dive trip and you can share your experiences at the end of the dives. You may even leave with friends for life.

Touring the Region

Is It Okay to Travel Alone to Raja Ampat?

Papua Paradise offers land tours to explore nearby islands and the amazing wildlife of the region. It can sometimes be a problem when you don’t meet the 2-guest requirement for a land tour, but this is ok, just ask at reception. They will let you know if other guests are planning to take the tours so you can all go together. The more the merrier, right?

Imagine all that time to do exactly what you want to do in one of the most beautiful places in the world. You can safely and easily travel alone to Raja Ampat and enjoy diving, touring, and relaxing, just like everyone else. You definitely can enjoy Papua Paradise Eco Resort without bringing a friend or partner with you. How do you feel about traveling alone? We’d love to hear all about your solo travels in the comments box below.

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